It’s the simple things that really make a huge difference. A pinch of salt in a dish, a piece of German rock sugar in a cup of loose leaf tea, hugging a little child, a good night kiss or a sip of water to a thirsty athlete. Recently I watched a great Fish Taco dish change the world. On the TV show, Chopped, this lady battled other great chefs and won the competition with a presumable awesome Fish Taco dish (I didn’t get to taste it, but I trust the judges).So where is the world change? As a champion of Chopped, you went home with $10,000. When she was asked, the winner-lady vowed she was going to donate it all to a charity that cared for children. I was blown away because all I could think was, ‘With one Fish Taco dish, this lady has changed the world for thousands of children!’. How unlikely!
So what do you do and how little do you consider it? What’s your Fish Taco? Are you ready to hone your culinary skills to change the world? If one lady and her Fish Taco could change the world, you can too!